
This phase involves debriefing the CLS360 survey results. Typically debriefing of the CLS360 results can take the form of either one-to-one individual sessions and/or group workshop sessions followed by one-to-one individual debriefing.

Debriefing is a two-way process where the Leader interacts with the CLS360 Certified Consultant regarding the results of the CLS360 survey results. Debriefing supports the Leader make meaning of their feedback by a thorough exploration of the context within which the feedback was given, and challenges by offering various ‘hypotheses’ that open up new multiple perspectives about their behavior and its impact on others. Understanding and making sense of feedback is an important step in Leader owning their feedback and being open and motivated to change and development.

  1. For one-to-one individual debrief sessions we recommend the following as a minimum:

    • Two sessions of two hours duration, with 2-3 weeks’ in between. The focus of the first session is to debrief the results and the second session is to focus on action planning.

  2. For a group workshop debrief session we recommend the following as a minimum:

    • ½ day group workshop, immediately followed by one-to-one individual sessions.
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